
Inspired by salons that flourished in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries, MESCal meetings are social gatherings where mathematics faculty meet each other, share ideas, and support one another. They are inclusive spaces where each person has a voice. Many of us are people of color and women; many of us are engaged in diversity-related efforts on our own campuses. These gatherings are important times when we can recharge and draw strength from one another so that we can continue the work we are engaged in. An important idea behind MESCal is an intentional focus on developing a strong social fabric that knits the group together: inclusive fellowship, camaraderie, and friendship are important than adherence to any particular set of ideas, efforts or programs. 

(Join the email list to be notified of upcoming meetings--we have been meeting virtually to support one another during the COVID-19 epidemic.)

Past Events (not including smaller social gatherings)

Picture from our 2023 Unconference:

Picture from our 2020 Unconference:

Picture from our 2018 Unconference: